
We provide students with an education that is challenging, of high quality and prepares them for advance degrees and careers in the national and global arenas in order to address health and wellness issues and improve the well-being of all.

In particular, the department prepares students to work towards resolving health and wellness disparities nationally and globally.

This mission is accomplished by the efforts of highly experienced and informed faculty through their teaching, research activities and service to their fields, the university and broader community.

Program Goals

  1. To provide high quality education in their major concentration areas of: Health Education (Community Health & Maternal Child Health), Sports Medicine and Sport Management, including but not limited to providing students with a body of knowledge and skills consistent with core competencies in their specific fields.
  2. To develop HHPLS students’ critical thinking, written and oral skills.
  3. To prepare HHPLS students for the successful undertaking of advanced studies in these fields.
  4. To develop the skills and knowledge our students need in order to work at a level commensurate with a Bachelor of Science degree within one of the their major concentrations.
  5. To provide an understanding of the health and wellness needs and related disparities of people who are often marginalized, and the roles of graduates of the program in resolving these issues.
  6. To provide within the COAS – HHPLS General education requirement, courses offered within our program (Physical movement courses, Health education courses, Swimming and inclusive physical education) an awareness and means for those students to address and begin to understand and make changes in their fitness, health and well-being.