Congratulations Dr. Bond on Recent Publications!

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Vernon Bond on his most recent published research articles:

1) Bond Jr. V, Retta T, Kumar K, Dorsey J, Gorantla VG, Millis RM.  Mood responses to passive and active motion leg cycling, exercise in healthy sedentary young adults.  Advances in Preventive Medicine. 2020; ID728013, 7 pages; doi: 10.1155/2020/7282013.

2) Gorantla VR, Tedesco S, Chandanathil M, Maity S,  Bonds Jr. V, Lewis C, Millis RM.  Association of alpha and beta interhemispheric EEG.  Coherences with indices of attentional control academic performance.  Behavioral Neurology. 2020; doi: 10.115/2020/4672340.
